
Home - Disclaimer

Law Offices of Thomas D. Sykes PLLC is a Washington-state professional limited liability company, based in Redmond, Washington.  Under federal (U.S.) law, Tom’s firm is available for all federal-tax and other federal-law engagements nationwide.  His practice focuses upon disputes with the IRS and upon litigation in federal courts.  Also, Tom is licensed for state-law tax disputes under the laws of Wisconsin, DC, and Illinois, but not tax disputes under the laws of Washington state.

The information you obtain at this site is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice.  We invite you to contact us if you have an existing or expected federal-tax dispute.  But contacting us does not by itself create an attorney-client relationship, which requires an engagement letter from us signed by both parties.  Do not send confidential information to us until after an attorney-client relationship has been formally established in writing.  We will not open email attachments or links unless they are sent by a known existing client.   We undertake no obligation to respond to deadlines that a  sender unilaterally imposes.  We obviously cannot respond to messages that disclose an incorrect email address for sender, leading to bounce backs.  We will not respond to messages that appear to be spam or computer-generated, that are outside the federal tax or litigation field (except we will consider emails that relate to Wisconsin, DC, or Illinois law), or that are written in a language that is not English.

This website may constitute attorney advertising.  Past performance does not guarantee or portend future success in any particular matter.

The law firm also has Facebook and Twitter pages.  Those pages are merely intended to facilitate search-engine optimization, and both point to the website you are now visiting, www.sykestaxlaw.com.  The Facebook and Twitter pages are not intended to be a definitive account of the experience and accomplishments of Thomas D. Sykes, nor of the tax and law practice of the Law Offices of Thomas D. Sykes PLLC.  A definitive and updated account of those matters is provided only at www.sykestaxlaw.com.  Recognizing that his tax clients value confidentiality and privacy, Tom will never ask a client to post a rating or endorsement on social media or internet search directories.

Anyone with questions about the content of this website should call or email Tom.

(c) 2016 through 2025, All Pages, Thomas D. Sykes

Get in Touch

Law Offices of Thomas D. Sykes PLLC

16625 Redmond Way Ste. M #151, Redmond, WA, 98052, US

Contact Tom:

(847) 651-7881
